Voiceworks at Christmas is an inspired collection of pieces for Christmas, ranging from plainsong to jazz carols, gospel songs and folk pieces to well-known carols in sparkling new arrangements, and brand new carols by living composers. With excellent practical rehearsal notes and an accompanying CD, Voiceworks at Christmas meets the needs of all choral groups and overflows with festive cheer.
Away in a manger (Herbert Chappell)
Away in a manger (Peter Hunt)
Behold that star
Creator of the stars of night
Ding dong! merrily on high
En! natus est Emanuel
Holy Child
I saw three ships
Kings came riding
Mad World
Mary's Lullaby
Noël let us sing
Poor li'l Jesus
Ring out the bells
Ring the bells
Rudolf, the red-nosed reindeer
Sans Day carol
Scots Nativity
Silent night
Sing high, sing low
The First Christmas
When the sun's reborn
While shepherds watched (John Foster)
While shepherds watched (Thomas Clark)
Winter Solstice
Ye nations all, on you I call
Zion hears the watchmen's voices