Trumpet, Cornet & Flugelhorn Exam Pieces From 2019: Grade 7

Trumpet, Cornet & Flugelhorn Exam Pieces From 2019: Grade 7

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For the first time, Trinity College London Press releases a series of graded repertoire books for trumpet, cornet and flugelhorn for exams in 2019–2022. Each book has been compiled and edited by a panel of experts and contains a selection of repertoire from across a range of styles and genres, including accompanied and unaccompanied pieces. Demonstration recordings (Andrew Crowley, trumpet) and piano playalongs can be downloaded free.

Note: Trinity’s Brass 2019-2022 Syllabus has been extended to 2024, at which point a new syllabus and new publications will be released. Therefore, Trinity’s Trumpet Exam Pieces 2019-2022 books will be valid under overlap until 2025, 12-months after the release of new publications.
